YouNow | Social.Digital.Me.


Case Studies - YouNow


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While streaming has caught on as a popular method of consuming content, YouNow has carved out a space as an all-ages platform for self-expression. Many teens use the app to broadcast their talents, with dancing and singing being among the most popular broadcasts.


Like many other digital platforms, YouNow's exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic helped it gain attention and become a unique platform for engagement and interactivity. Parents also play an important role in the platform's visibility, which many parents giving their stamp of approval and supporting engagement with moderate supervision.


The audience for the platform is primarily in the grade K-12 age demographic. In addition, younger people have found use in the app for advice and questions, and there’s even a #bored hashtag, which is very popular among teens.


YouNow's brand persists as a result of the life and energy brought to life by its inclusivity and its user-friendly interface, with early talents continuing engagement with the platform as a testing ground for their passions.

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